Servitude of a Chagrined Dove


Ekisha Narain
XI-D, Study Hall School

Near the city of Varanasi there is an Iron casting factory surrounded by small settlements of the workers. I dedicate this song to Meenaksi. A 48 year old woman who lives there and was being raped by her own husband almost every night. She thought it wasn’t considered as rape because he was her husband. Imagine. She tolerated this for more than 30 years! Until one day when her husband, drunk, invited his friends over for a night. After suffering for more than 5 hours when the sun peeked through the window as she laid alone. It dawned upon her. How wrong it was and how many other women might be going through all this in that area alone. She decided to stand up! She couldn’t take it anymore!
She talked to all the women of the area about the incident and they  came together and formed a group against this injustice. At first they were criticized. Their husbands, fathers and brothers laughed at them and beat them for standing against their authority ! But they didn’t know the power of united women.
It’s been almost a year and they have acted against 14 men who were fired and  sentenced to about two years in prison. Now that group has over 30-40 women and 10-15 men which they are trying to expand as much as possible.

Meenaksi. A 48 year old woman who lives there and was being raped by her own husband almost every night.


I continue my journey,
as the outnumbered,
the weakling.
No other choice
but to live with it.
Not my memory.
I’m not young,
nor fair.
But does it matter?
Not to them.
To him.
I blame God,
I know not why.
Eyes closed
I’m ready to die
Powerless I lie.
Is it my fault?
For reticent i stay
hiding the embarrassment.
Fearing the forcible.
Every night.
Every night….
But not today!
Today i fly
I’ve had enough
You will not haunt us
Together we stand
against your type
You shall fear us!
Our rage now hype!
Standing tall
We’ll fight!
We’ll fight!
Back to campaign

8 thoughts on “Servitude of a Chagrined Dove

  1. I think we need to take a lesson from this uneducated woman who fought for her rights. “Ekla chalo re” exemplified.

  2. i feel very motivated by her. but she’s not the only facing this problem. there would be many such women like her. i want more people to her group, specially the men. ONLY AWARENESS AMONGST PEOPLE CAN STOP SUCH ACTIVITIES

  3. WE! It is such an expansive term. When I say we, I mean to point to the educated class, that is sometimes untouched by these little stories, which can mean everything to someone! It ruins someone’s household!
    This lady has silently taught us many lessons, and in turn made us thank our stars that we stay in protective shelters, are not a victim of violence of any sorts!
    It is sheer apathy of us, the society which we live in, and the mind set we carry forward!
    According to me, that is precisely what has to be looked into, primarily!

  4. Every woman goes through many atricities some more some less. But she smiles and takes it in her stride. We overlook these. Let us each be a supportive of the others.

  5. Every woman goes through many atrocities some more some less. But she smiles and takes it in her stride. We overlook these. Let us each be a supportive of the others.

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