We all need to think

Teacher, Study Hall School

The principle of gender equality is enshrined in the Indian Constitution in its Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and Directive Principles. The Constitution not only grants equality to women, but also empowers the State to adopt measures of positive discrimination in favour of women. These days special focus is on empowering women and girls, because I believe they hold the key to long-lasting social change in communities. It is the moral, social and constitutional responsibility to ensure their progress by providing them with equal rights and opportunities. Today women with their smartness, intelligence and hard work have conquered the whole world. They have excelled in each and every profession. Women are considered to be more honest, meticulous, and efficient and hence more and more organisations prefer hiring women for better performance and results. They are much better in multi- tasking than their counterparts.

Inspite of the positive development of women in India, gender discrimination still persists. In their work places they are doing extremely well but at their homes they are never in command and some are even ill treated. Women have been empowered but have we been able to empower the men to handle and respect these empowered women? The answer largely is No. Here is some food for thought.

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7 thoughts on “We all need to think

    • Absolutely Shalini aunty we must work towards it. Men should also learn to respect women and understand that they are no longer inferior to them in any way but are at par with them. We need to work together to make India a Happy and Safe place.

  1. A lot depends on us as parents and as educators. how do we bring up our sons? What perceptions do they develop of women? How do they learn to treat women?

    • Tomorrow we are going to address these issues and these questions will be put forth in the meeting. Parents must bring up their sons as carefully as they bring up their daughters- teach them good values too…

      • We live in a society where there are different standards of raising sons and daughters. WHY? Because, parents fear for their daughters’ safety. They feel that they have to be protected from the dangers lurking out there. Dangers in the form of predatory men preying on vulnerable women. These men have also been born to and brought up by parents who have given them certain values. Shouldn’t these parents be responsible for creating such Frankensteins?
        Men enjoy the liberties of freedom, fearlessness and choices. I feel that those who deny freedom and liberty to others have no right to enjoy it. Many uncivilized acts are committed in the name of liberty. From the depth of my heart,I pray for and look forward to a society where there is freedom from want and freedom from fear, for everyone, everywhere in this world.

  2. Daughters should be considered as precious gifts of God.It is rightly said that when God is extremely pleased with you, he blesses your home with a daughter..who grows up to be a father’s pride and a mother’s best friend.

  3. And we should all work towards constructing an egalitarian world! Where ever we are whatever we do – lets spread the word, let us educate our children – boys to accept women’s equality and girls to learn to understand that they are equal and to assert their equality, peacefully and firmly.

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