Ensure that India’s daughters are wanted, safe and equal.

Amritansh Varshney
Alumni, Study Hall School

The role of India’s son’s to ensure that India’s daughter are safe, equal and wanted is hard to define & MUCH harder to implement.
People talk about sex education and it’s necessity to curb discrimination and acts of violence against women. Yes it is VERY important and something on which we educated folk need to work on, SERIOUSLY. But what we tend to overlook are the following facts-:
1. Teaching boys for days in school about treating women equally in society is effectively countermanded by parents at home in just a matter of hours. Reason being, the kids learn faster and without any difficulty when they see how their families treat women.  But then this does happen everywhere at least not with people who are educated and well-off like us for it is hard to imagine nice folks like us discriminating on such grounds and even harder, maybe even unimaginable to think about them indulging in acts of harassment or RAPES!!  explicitly stating, well then we are VERY WRONG!
It’s not new for us to see/read/hear reports that police officers, MLAs, MPs, other gazetted officers or businessmen committing rapes.
Then just think how many such crimes are committed by people who are NOT as NICE as us.
India reported close to 20,000 REGISTERED Rape cases in the previous year alone. Just imagine what would the have been if those unregistered were also taken into consideration.
The problem lies within our families itself. We learn from them by what we see them do, well mostly this happens & Discrimination is no such exception. Well then should we go every house and impart them sex education, well it won’t work because you can mold a child but NOT an adult.
2. Company plays an equally deterrent role as the families do, maybe even more. If the friends say it’s great then it is great, that’s how the brain works. No one wants to become a loser in the company of “STUDS”, you just go with the flow no matter where it leads you. This is exactly what happened in Nirbhaya’s case. True, they are all vile men who did commit rape & MUCH MORE but not everyone started their crime at the same moment. Someone did & the others joined in.
In both the cases there is just 1 big thing which makes men commit rape instead of stopping them from doing so, ACTION.
In the above cases people saw what their parents, families or friends did. They never lectured them!
 Sex education is taught verbally and NOT practically the way it should be done. For it is easier for people to learn from acts rather than learning from books. You cannot teach a kid how to treat a woman with dignity, respect and equality just by lecturing him!, You have to show him how to do it! and by showing i don’t mean you need to plan something grand to have an impact rather it’s the little things in everyday life that make all the difference.
In civilized society men are often referred to as GENTLEMEN, well it is only apt and valid as long as these very same men treat the women as human beings and with that very same respect that they expect for themselves not only from women but the entire society.
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