Parent Orientation Class-5

Taking into account these unprecedented times, we at Study Hall Junior School held our very first ‘virtual’ orientation of the parents. The parent body of the class 5 students and the school team met on the 11th of July 2020 at 9:30 am.

The meeting was presided over by the Principal Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur. The school team comprised of the Vice-Principal, Mrs. Meenakshi Shah and the four class teachers, Mrs. Anju Singh (CT 5A), Mrs. Rachna Yadav (CT 5B), Mrs. Nupur Bajpai (CT 5C) and Mrs. Uttara Saran (CT 5D). Unfortunately, the Headmistress of Study Hall Junior, Mrs. Bani Malhotra, was unable to join due to some unavoidable personal reasons.

The number of parents who attended the meeting was almost 148. The class 5 virtual orientation was almost a full quorum.

The Principal Mrs. Meenakshi Bahadur spoke about the vision and philosophy of the school and reassured the anxious parents how this would, without a doubt, continue, in spite of the “Virtual School”. She reinstated the fact that Study Hall was and will always remain a ‘universe of care’ where the children were always encouraged to be their own curious selves! Here the children are motivated to think for themselves and to think, as she put it, “Out of the box,”.  That being said, in order to be successful in school and at studies, the children must not miss any ‘virtual class time’. And for that we, the teachers, depended upon the parents.

Mrs. Bahadur, then thanked our CEO and President Ms. Urvashi Sahni for her encouraging and exemplary mentorship.

The four class teachers introduced themselves and their subjects. The teachers also extended their welcome to the parents and the children and added that they were looking forward to the day when the children would come back to school and classrooms.

A vote of thanks was given by the Vice- Principal, Mrs Meenakshi Shah. She assured the parents that Study Hall was always open for suggestions and would welcome any & all feedback from the parents.

The’ virtual class 5 orientation’ lasted for almost 1 hour. And ended on a mutually satisfied and happy note.

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