Study Hall School Campus was ablaze with bright colours and spirited with spectacular festivity as the Study Hall Educational Foundation family celebrated 69th Independence Day, 15 th August 2015

Students and Staff from Study Hall School, Prerna Girls School, Dosti School, Centre for Learning and NIOS school, Vidhyasthali school, Digital Study Hall and DIDI’s – A unit of sister’s in Solidarity participated with full zeal and excitement. Every heart was filled with pride and the feeling of patriotism, love and respect. Seeds of the thought – “Are we really free”, were etched in everyone’s mind.

Media Coverage, Hindustan Times, Lucknow Edition 17.8.2015

A mind that is free from all discrimination, it brings us all together, it tolerates and it accommodates.

Digital Study Hall team celebrated Independence day with these little kids at one of Non Formal Education Centres at Patel Puram, Lucknow.



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We had our Annual Concert, ‘Kid-O-tainment Yo’on Friday 22nd Nov. 2013 at  Sant Gadge Auditorium.  All the children participated    in it enthusiastically.  The idea is to unleash the talent & potential of our little children and encourage freedom of expression and self exploration,   which are an … Continue reading