The State of Society

Aiman Jafri
XI-D, Study Hall School

 Often I try to analyse what goes in the mind of a man every time he demeans women. Through rape, molestation, eve teasing or even a gesture.  All this without understanding the gravity of the impact he is likely to have. Is there no sense of regard or respect for a section which includes his mother, wife and daughter? Does he feel no shame in using women for the fulfillment of his immoral wishes? There are still more and more such questions, but one thing that I have realized is that monsters are never born, they are created.

The biggest support for these monsters is tolerance towards their offensive actions. As long as they feel that they can get away with it, they will consider it their illegitimate right.

There is more to equality than bringing more strict laws. That is bringing up children well (both boys and girls). Since birth the social roles of the respective sex is decided, and they dare not transgress. The male is like the “Almighty” of the household and a female’s capabilities can nowhere come close to that.  Patriarchy is at work. A man asserts his superiority by force and terror. Of course, not all males inhabit such qualities.

Unlike this, a woman is suppose to bear the burden of, well, being a woman. The only expectation she has for herself is to live up to the expectations of others. Can’t she be loved for being herself?

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4 thoughts on “The State of Society

  1. Rape is not specific to any group of women, nor are rapists a particular group of men. A rapist could be a brutal madman or the boy next door or any friendly uncle. People need to get aware of their rights.One should not tolerate any kind of barbarism.
    The society should get even and should speak up for something that’s not fair, unjustified.Rape is still a dirty secret, hedged about with so much blame and shame that victims feel they cannot come forward, is testament to how far we still have to go.
    If something is wrong correct it but don’t support it.
    This is one of the most appalling things that one human being can do to another, and yet there is no other crime about which our society is so ambivalent. That must change.

  2. that day of 16 December 2012 was shameful day for Delhi,for the country, for the world and for every human being who survive in this world. some months ago, i have studied in civics that the Indian daughters were UNWANTED , UNEQUAL and UNSAFE from the time of the vedic period. but in this developed India why our Indian daughters are treated like this. they are the ones who brought us on the earth.Rani Lakshmi bai, who fought to the English for our freedom.”woman of the millennium” Indra Gandhi who changed India’s defenetion for the world.MC Mary Com , who raised India’s head by winning 4 world tittles in boxing.Even in the mens game cricket , the first double-century was hit by Blinda Clark.if women has so much power why we men discriminate them so much.
    I tribute to Nirbhaya, her dieing was not a waste , her dieing woke the whole India.

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