Today I Feel Ashamed To Be A Man


Dharm Pravartak
Student, Study Hall School

Why do we care if a girl was brutally raped and was left for dead in Delhi. For every protest movement that takes place in the country there are about 30 rapes taking place in India. Not even a month into 2013 and we already have 27 cases reported in the country . I ask the men of my nation, have you no shame, have you no conscious, have you no heart? Why are you raping women, they are not just objects of sex. They are the ones who give you life. they are the ones who make you the man you are. they are the ones who have raised you from puny thumb sucking babies to the full grown man that you have become, you do not feel one tinge of shame and disgust when you commit such heinous crimes. Now i ask those men who stay quite when they see such a crime happen, has the chivalry and bravery in you died? where does that chivalry go to when a girl needs your help. why does it only come when you have to abuse someone or beat up your wife or daughter or mother. We very loudly shout that “Babri Masjid” was made on the land where Lord Rama was born and we should remove the Mosque and build a temple. We are the followers of Lord Rama but may i ask you all a question that do you really even understand the meaning of the title “Maryada Purushottam”. It means a Gentleman Beyond Question or Doubt, a man of the highest morals and ethics. my dear men what do we do we rape women in the name of that great GOD/Person we kill women, rape them and have riots which then become communal. sometimes i wonder that do these riots really take place for the purpose they are supposedly taking place or just for feasting on women and young girls. Men if you so badly want sex then go to a brothel and satisfy yourselves there are thousands of them all across the country but please stop raping and molesting women on the streets, stop making them feel vulnerable and weak all the time. just imagine how you would like it if it was your mother being raped or your sister or daughter. For heavens sakes stop it India has had enough of this, don’t bring more shame to MANHOOD, men should be known as protectors, providers, safe keepers and not as rapists, molesters, butchers. Please stop doing such things that other MEN FEEL ASHAMED TO BE MEN!

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4 thoughts on “Today I Feel Ashamed To Be A Man

  1. Well said Dharm. What you have highlighted is a major issue what all “SANE and NORMAL” men face everyday after such grotesque crimes are reported.

    But do keep in mind that “Men” who commit such crimes are NOT human, more of an incarnation of the devil himself. Teaching them now or lecturing them later is simply of no use. For them we need strict policing & even stricter punishments to deter others from perpetrating such acts in the future.

    • Well said Dharm, as well as Amritansh!
      For the time being, the need of the hour is, stricter punishments for these savage beasts because the damage has already been done, in the form of giving these beasts the room to cultivate what they are!
      and probably, taking up sex education as a necessary and a serious topic of discussion in schools. Discussions might not help in a very transformative way, as we would want to! But it can show us the path towards a safer place!

      • Rittuporna, you are correct in thinking that we need sex education but there is one thing that we neglect while teaching these kids, i.e what their parents tell them at home has a far greater impact on them compared to what their teachers tell them at school.
        Many parents counterbalance the impact of days of education/lecturing in just 1 act or few hours of preaching.
        we have to look to ways which can ensure that this does not happen otherwise it’ll take GENERATIONS! for people to realize their mistakes & most importantly we have to look FAST!

        • You are absolutely correct in pointing out the whole idea of Home being the first school of learning for the child!
          We can just wish that everything falls into place as it is supposed to be and we make our surroundings a better place to live!

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